Online Driving School Blog

A Guide to Online Alcohol Assessment and Awareness Courses

online classes for alcohol-related issues

Despite the nationwide marketing efforts against driving under the influence (DUI), alcohol abuse remains a common issue. In fact, experts estimate that roughly 17 percent of Americans have a DUI conviction. This number is unsettling given the widespread availability of Uber and other car ride services.

One solution to the DUI epidemic is alcohol awareness classes for all drivers.

If you're convicted of a DUI, each state has alcohol assessment requirements that you need to complete per your court order.

Read on to learn about remote counseling options and how to take an online course for an alcohol arrest.

What Are the Benefits?

There are numerous reasons for participating in an online alcohol assessment or awareness class, the obvious one is to learn about the dangers of alcohol abuse. Additionally, assessing your risk for alcoholism is a vital, and life-saving, benefit.

There is a wide spectrum of alcohol use disorder, with an estimated 17 million suffering from this condition. Certain people are at greater risk than others. Finding out where you may lie on the spectrum is important for determining the proper treatment options.

Another benefit of online treatment is that it's anonymous. Many people feel uncomfortable attending a face-to-face group counseling session. Online treatment provides a simple solution to that dilemma. In a digital session, students tend to be more honest and receptive to professional advice thanks to the anonymity.

Also others may find it difficult to locate a convenient location without missing work, school or other life commitments.

Online courses are also more affordable than in-person options. Since digital education doesn't require a physical facility, organizations that offer these courses pass these savings to the students. Some classes even offer a money-back guarantee.

More importantly, alcohol treatment courses put at-risk individuals in contact with professionals who can help. Licensed counselors experienced in evaluating alcohol treatment will help individuals identify their issues and seek ongoing treatment if needed.

Who Takes These Classes?

The following are examples of the type of people who take these classes:

  • Individuals required to participate in an alcohol awareness education course for a court or legal requirement, probation, employment, DUI or health reasons.
  • Minors under 21 years old found in possession or consumption of alcohol (appropriate for college and high school students).
  • Those cited for driving while under the influence charge.

Check with your state, DMV, or other legal entity first to determine what is allowed for your situation.

Do Alcohol Awareness and Abuse Courses Work?

The answer is a resounding yes. Roughly one out of three people who receive treatment improve their condition.

This education and counseling option means that 33 percent of individuals who take a treatment class will reduce their alcohol intake. In addition, these people report fewer alcohol-related problems than those who don't seek out help.

What Are the National Trends for Alcoholism?

Unfortunately, alcohol abuse trends are not improving and, in many cases, are getting worse.

For example, women are drinking more than ever before. Minorities and the elderly are also drinking more than the daily recommended amount.

One study suggests that roughly 32 million people in the U.S. consume a dangerous amount of alcohol.

Wrapping It Up

Alcohol use disorder is a serious ailment. Excessive drinking can lead to a host of legal issues, including domestic violence and DUIs.

The good news is that help is readily available. For a small fee, you can get your life back in order. Online treatment options are anonymous and give you access to professionals that can help.

To learn more, check out our website for evaluation options.

North Metro Online Education is a premier defensive driving, DUI school, and alcohol and drug evaluation counseling center. We provide a wide variety of online classes to satisfy your court or DMV requirements. Offering classes in ALL 50 states, we're a leader in U.S. distance learning programs.


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