By NMOnlineEducation on Friday, 17 January 2014
Category: DUI Schools

Georgia Ramps Up 2014 Spending to Catch Drunk Drivers

Spending Up To Catch Drunk Drivers-

The Georgia State Patrol is getting (even more) serious about drunk driving.

2014 is going to be a bad year from drunk drivers if the highway patrol has anything to say about it. Late last year, the highway patrol was awarded a long-saught grant by the Governer's Office of Highway Safety that's meant to put more officers on the road and increase field testing for DUI suspects.

The aptly-named project is called H.E.A.T., or "Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic" and its overall goals are generally to reduce speeding, catch impaired drivers, and make the state's roads safer places to be. All in all, the GA Highway Patrol is going to receive nearly $2.5 million in additional funding to make it happen.

So, what does this mean for you? 

First and foremost, don't drink and drive! In the state of Georgia it's illegal to operate a motor vehicle while impaired and that means having a blood alcohol content greater than .08%. Just don't do it! The repurcussions aren't worth it: costs incurred from lawyer fees, DUI class, defensive driving classes, and fines alone can reach thousands of dollars. Not only that, but driving drunk is incredibly dangerous and kills nearly 30 people a day in America.

When you're on the road, always obey posted traffic laws and keep in mind the speed limit is only for best-case conditions. If it's raining, dark, or heavily-populated you'll want to use extra caution and slow down! 

If you do find yourself facing a DUI in Georgia, it's smart to contact a lawyer immediately. In some cases of first-time DUI convictions it may be possible to attend classes and pay a fine to avoid losing your liscence. Far and away, however, it's easier simply to avoid a DUI in the first place by never, ever driving after drinking alcohol.