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Things You Need to Know About Motorcycle Accidents - 

Who hasn't dreamed of crusing on a motorcycle?

The wind in your hair (under your helmet, of course), the feel of the open road, the speed, the power...But before you rent a Harley for the weekend or take your friend up on his hog-riding offer you should know that the seat of a motorcycle is one of the most dangerous places you can be on the road.

Here are 7 things you need to know about motorcycle accidents that might save your life...

1. Between 1999 and 2008, motorcycle deaths in the U.S. effectively doubled. Over 1,200,000 non-life threatening motorcycle crash injuries were treated in ERs across the coutry while more than 34,000 people were killed.

2. Motorcyclists are over 35 times more likely to experience a deadly accident on the road than cars. Lack of protection and safety gear account for a vast majority of those deaths.

3. Motorcycle crashes make up 11% of all roadway crashes in the U.S. However, motorcycles make up only 1-2% of all highway miles travelled each year.

4. A cyclist not wearing a helmet is almost 50% more likely to die in a crash. Head injuries are the leading cause of death in motorcycle crashes.

5. Nearly half of all fatal motorcycle accidents involve only the motoryclist and no other vehicle. Most accidents involved speeding, reckless driving, and/or DUI.

6. Almost 30% of all fatal motorcycle accidents involve DUI. Cyclists between the ages of 20-24 are the most likely to die in a motorcycle crash after they've been drinking.

7. Crashes happen because cars don't see motorcycles. Over 42% of all two-vehicle crashes involving motorcyles happen when the cyclist is passing or going straight and the car driver attempts to turn left.


atlanta drivingSo, what can you take from this? If you are a motorcyclist (or even a passenger), wear a HELMET! Many states have universal helmet laws for drivers and riders and, more importantly, wearing one can save your life.

Additionally, motorcycle drivers have a higher-than-average rate of DUI than other drivers. Never, ever drive a motorcycle while impaired and if you're driving a car late at night, be particularly wary of motorcycle drivers. Give them plenty of space and avoid following too closely, especially in adverse weather conditions.

Spring and summe are great times to hit the road on a motorcycle. Just obey all traffic laws and stay safe out there!