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Sobering Drunk Driving Statistics You Need to Know

Sobering Drunk Driving Statistics-

Everyone knows drunk driving is dangerous.

DUI Statistics in GeorgiaBut do you know exactly how dangerous driving while intoxicated really is? Not only does it put other drivers at risk, driving drunk puts you and your passengers in unnecessary harm's way. The sad fact is, drunk driving accidents are totally, completely preventable. Whether you've been charged with a DUI, have friends who insist on driving when they shouldn't, or are even a parent of a teen, here are a few sobering statistics about driving drunk you absolutely need to know.


  • About 1 out of every 3 people will be involved in a drunk driving accident in their lifetime
  • 82% of ALL FATAL CRASHES are caused by drunk drivers
  • 21-25 year olds drive drunk the most, accounting for about 24% of all DUI offenders
  • Every single day in the U.S. 28 people are killed in drunk driving accidents
  • Among accidents that killed a child (1-14 years old), 17% involve a driver who is drunk. In 61% of these accidents, the driver of the child was the drunk party.
  • Drugs other than alcohol (pot, meth, ecstasy, heroin, prescription medication, etc.) account for nearly 18% of all impaired driving accidents.
  • Studies have shown that young people with the exact same BAC as older people are more likely to be involved in a crash
  • Nearly a third of all motorcycle crash fatalities each year involve a drunk motorcyclist
  • Every year, 1,400,000 people are arrested for drunk driving in the U.S.!
  • In most fatal DUI crashes, the drunk driver’s BAC is relatively “low,” between 0.15-0.20


Atlanta DUI Statistics

So, what do these statistics tell us?

That drunk driving is far more common than most people realize. That younger drivers are more susceptible to crashing while driving drunk. That drunk drivers who think they’re “fine” to drive are the most likely of any group to be involved in an accident.



What can you do about drunk driving?

Encourage your friends never, ever to drive drunk.

Support state initiatives to catch drunk drivers like DUI checkpoints.

If you are convicted of a DUI, spend time in group therapy or alcohol counseling to learn how to change your actions.


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