Online Driving School Blog

Online DUI School Courses in New York

New York Online DUI School Courses Drug and Alcohol Arrests in New York Receiving a DUI or another alcohol related arrest in New York is a big deal. The penalties are very steep and the DUI School takes a long time to complete.  Huge fines and a lot of court appearances even for first time offenders is mandatory.   Now that online DUI Schools are available, some students will have a choice as to where they would like to take their class.  Ranging from 8 hours to 50 hours, Online DUI School courses cover the same materials as in-person classes but the obvisous difference is that the online DUI school can be done from your home.   In New York, some courts and offenders may be able to complete an online course through the North Metro Online Education website.  Check with your attorney or court before enrolling and then you can...

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DUI School Online Growing in South Carolina

Online DUI Schools in South Carolina Alcohol and Drug Arrest Classes Now Available Online More and more states are making the move to put state required Alcohol and Drug programs online, including DUI School.  South Carolina and others like it, have been accepting out-of-state DUI programs for years and many states are only using certain programs like North Metro Traffic School's.  Because more states are accepting DUI Schools from online providers, more students than ever are finding how impactful and beneficial these can be. Online Alcohol and DUI programs have been in development for many years. Until recently, the software and technology was not as good as it is now for online education programs to be as good as in-person programs but things are changing and this has lead to a large expansion of schools hitting the market.  North Metro Traffic School's online program has been around since 2008.   Offering...

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New Year's Eve is a Deadly Time to be on the Road

New Years

Deadly Time to be on the Road -    So, what can you do about it? Following a few common sensical safety tips can keep you out of jail and out of the hospital - New Year's Eve is truly one of the most dangerous times to be on the road. In fact, New Year's Day is the second-deadliest day on the road (after July 4th) averaging 140 people killed in the U.S. each year. And yes, New Year's Day is technically more dangerous than NYE because it's after midnight you should be doubly concerned. Here's what to keep in mind to stay safe on the roads this New Year's so you can start off 2015 on a healthy, happy foot...   Seriously. Do NOT drink and drive. Not only is drinking and driving always a terrible idea (alcohol is involved in about 40% of fatal accidents), New Year's is the worst time...

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6 Really Solid Ways to Keep Your Friends from Driving Drunk

drunk driving
taking a cab after you have been drinking
hand and keys

Keep Your Friends from Driving Drunk It's your responsibility to stop yourself from driving drunk. Unfortunately sometimes that line becomes blurred between "drunk" and "buzzed" and all of a sudden you find yourself with wondering what to do when your intoxicated friend's about to get in their car. The situation can be even more tricky if you yourself have been drinking as well. All of a sudden it's your responsibility to prevent a DUI. It's awkward. It's tense. It can send a ripple effect through your friendship long after the night's come and gone. So, what do you do when you know a friend or loved one is about to make one of the worst decisions of all, driving under the influence? Here are eight solid suggestions that can help keep your friend out of jail and the public out of harm's way.  1. Start with an honest convo. We get it: you...

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What NOT to do if You Get Pulled Over

Atlanta police officer DUI

What NOT To Do When Pulled Over -   Blue lights and screeching sirens are terrifying. What'd you do? Will I be arrested? I can't afford a ticket! The state of Georgia makes millions upon millions of dollars each year from traffic tickets alone, and thousands of citizens are taken to jail here annually after being pulled over by the police.  Whether you're a teen, a fugitive, or an otherwise law-abiding citizen, no one wants to get pulled over. It's always an unpleasant and nervewracking experience but that doesn't mean there aren't things you can do to make it quicker and more painless. Here are a handful of things NOT to do if you get pulled over by the cops, starting with...   Don’t stop in the middle of the road. It seems obvious but traffic stops are incredibly dangerous for you and the officer. Pull over as far to the...

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Who is Most Likely to Get a DUI?

DUI Driver
Reasons for DUI in Atlanta

Who Gets DUIs? You may not think you know anyone who’s had a DUI but you almost definitely do. DUIs are unfortunately all too common in the U.S. – in 2012 alone almost 30 million people admitted to drunk driving in the U.S. Over a million people are arrested each year under the suspicion of DUI. That’s way, way too many. Let’s take a quick look at who’s statistically the most likely to be charged with a DUI and also who’s most likely to be affected by them. MEN Men are almost two times as likely to drive drunk. Over 15% of all males admit to driving drunk and men account for a vast majority of all DUI arrests. YOUNG DRIVERS A full third of all drunk drivers involved in fatal crashes each year are between 21-24 years old. That means college students, young professionals, and young parents are all highly...

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The 7 Most Ridiculous Ways to Get a DUI

how long does dui school last
cruizin cooler

Ridiculous Ways to Get a DUI- It’s easier than you think to get a DUI. Plenty of people offer totally untrue advice: “You can’t get a DUI on a bike!” or “If you’ve only been drinking beer you can’t get a DUI.” But sometimes the way people get a DUI is so utterly ridiculous it needs to be remembered for posterity, if not for the lessons. Here are the seven most ridiculous ways you can get a DUI. 1. On a Lawnmower Yup, on a lawnmower. As recently as last month a man was arrested in Colorado for driving his riding lawnmower the wrong way down a one-way street. And guess what? Even if you’re in your own yard, you’re still operating a motor vehicle when you’re mowing so save the drinking for after. 2. In a Recliner In 2008 a Minnesota man drove his motorized Lay-Z-Boy chair, complete with cupholders...

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Signs You May Need a DUI Risk Reduction Class

behind the wheel
drunk males

Signs You Need a DUI Class It's never easy to admit that your drinking has become a problem. There are over 18,000,000 people suffering from disordered alcohol use in the U.S. alone and there's absolutely no shame in realizing when your casual drinking has gone too far. One of the surest ways to know you may be struggling with alcohol control is if you've ever driven while under the influence or even been stopped for DUI. Studies show that most people charged with a DUI have driven drunk dozens of times before they were pulled over so if you've reached that point it's probably time for help. Here are a few signs you may need to sign up for a licensed DUI Risk Reduction class in your area so you can head off destructive behaviors at the pass... You Have a DUI on Your Record If you’ve been charged and convicted of driving...

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BIG Changes to Georgia's DUI and Traffic School Laws Effective Immediately!

Atlanta DUI School and Defensive Driving Prices
North Metro Traffic School

BIG Changes to DUI and Traffic School Laws Effective Immediately! Did you know July 4th weekend is consistently the deadliest weekend on the road? With so many people out and about, many consuming alcohol, it's no surprise that over 40% of all DUI deaths between 2007 and 2011 occured during July 4th weekends. That's too many. Effective on July 1, 2014, Georgia made some sweeping changes to laws regulating DUI and Defensive Driving Classes statewide. These laws affect every driving school, every student, and every DUI case in GA and it's important you be aware.   Here are the major changes to Georgia's DUI and traffic school laws: Class rates (which are mandated by the state) are going up - no school is legally allowed to charge lessDUI classes are now $355, up from $292Defensive Driving class fees have gone from $75 to $95Those court-ordered to take a DUI Risk Reduction class now...

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5 Proactive Ways to Save Money on Your Car Insurance

Lower your car insurance with Defensive Driving
points reduction class

Save Money on Your Car Insurance -   Is it just us or is car insurance getting out-of-control expensive? Especially if you’ve got kids who drive, car insurance payments can set you back thousands upon thousands per year, even if you’re a safe driver! Obviously we’re biased but we think good drivers should be rewarded for driving safely and their insurance rates should reflect that. Whether you’re paying too much, just went through a rate hike, or are new to car insurance and can barely believe your first statement, here are five proactive ways to save money on your insurance bill.   1. Call your insurance provider. It seems simple, but the first step you should take when looking to lower your insurance payments is to reach out directly to your provider. They may offer discounts you weren’t aware of or they may lower your rate if you say you’re going...

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19 Excuses You Need to Stop Making for Driving Drunk

DUIs in Georgia
DUI school georgia
police officer

Excuses To Stop Making for Driving Drunk Did you know over 15,000 people die in DUI-related crashes in the U.S. every single year? That’s way, way too many. In fact, DUI driving deaths are one of the most preventable kinds of auto accidents that exist, but far too many drivers are excusing their bad behavior time and time again. Nearly 1.5 million people are arrested for DUI each year and some statistics indicate about 80% of all DUI offenses are committed by less than 5% of the total pool of DUI offenders. That’s staggering. So, are you making excuses for driving while intoxicated? Are your friends excusing their DUIs? If you’ve thought, said, or heard any of these 19 excuses recently you need to take a good hard look at the danger you’re putting yourself and others in. You’re at risk of causing a terrible accident, injuring someone, or at the...

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What to do If You've Been Pulled Over for DUI in Georgia

DUI police
breathalyzer from DUI

What to do If You've Been Pulled Over for DUI -  Have you been pulled over for suspicion of a DUI in GA? There are few things more terrifying than flashing blue lights in your rearview mirror, particularly if you've been drinking. It's important to remember that the only surefire way to avoid being convicted of a DUI is to AVOID DRINKING AND DRIVING. The legal limit for adults over 21 years of age in Georgia is a BAC of no more than .08%. If you're under 21, it's 0.0%.  Risking a DUI is never, ever worth it. Not only are DUIs incredibly expensive, difficult to move past, and scary, you run the distinct possiblity of hurting yourself or others if you drive while intoxicated. A full 40% of all accident fatalities in the U.S. each year can be linked to drunk driving. Remember: buzzed driving is drunk driving. Just don't...

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What are the Deadliest Days of the Year?

Georgia DUIs
DUI classes for driving under the influence
Teen DUI School

Deadliest Days of the Year? It’s a no-brainer that certain days or periods mean tougher driving conditions. For example, this winter’s icy weather meant inclement road conditions for much of the country and anyone who’s sat in stop-and-go traffic during their commute can tell you that rush hour’s a dangerous time to be behind the wheel. But did you know that for teenagers, there are 100 days out of the year that put them at specific risk for being killed in a drunk driving-related accident? In fact, the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day (summer vacation for most kids) contains 9 of the 10 deadliest days of the year, statistically, for teen drivers. Why? The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services say about 6% of all 16-17 year olds reported driving while intoxicated in 2010, along with 15% of 18-20 year olds. Over 3,000 teenagers were killed in the...

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Who’s Been Charged With a DUI Lately?

Atlanta DUI Classes
Georgia DUI Class

  Who’s Been Charged With a DUI? These famous names can’t seem to keep themselves out of trouble. From music artists to politicians, no one’s above the law when it comes to being charged with DUI. If you drink and drive you can count on getting caught…and the penalties for drunk driving in the U.S. are no laughing matter. You’ll likely have to pay a hefty fine, incur points on your license, and attend a DUI risk reduction class in your area to satisfy court orders. Avoid these consequences by always using a designated driver, never drinking if you’re under 21, and calling a cab when you need a ride! Don’t be like these folks… Chris Pine Star of the revamped Star Trek movies, Chris Pine was charged with a DUI in New Zealand, of all places, on March 1. His NZ driver’s license has been suspended for 6 months and...

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What is DUI School Really Like?

what is DUI School class

What is Online DUI School Really Like? No one really wants to be legally required to take a DUI Risk Reduction class. The thing is, a lot of DUI offenders say they benefitted greatly from participated in a risk reduction program and studies have shown time and again these classes really work! Reducing DUIs and DWIs is obviously the main goal of any effective DUI program but students just want to know how they'll be spending their court-mandated hours. Let's take a look. It's important to note that most states set their own requirements for DUI classes that pertain to everything from total hours to how many times an individual student can be late for class. Lots of states also set minimum pricing requirements for DUI school to ensure that all schools essentially charge the same thing.  Before you ever show up for a DUI risk reduction program you'll probably be required to complete an assignment...

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Sobering Drunk Driving Statistics You Need to Know

DUI Statistics in Georgia
Atlanta DUI Statistics

Sobering Drunk Driving Statistics- Everyone knows drunk driving is dangerous. But do you know exactly how dangerous driving while intoxicated really is? Not only does it put other drivers at risk, driving drunk puts you and your passengers in unnecessary harm's way. The sad fact is, drunk driving accidents are totally, completely preventable. Whether you've been charged with a DUI, have friends who insist on driving when they shouldn't, or are even a parent of a teen, here are a few sobering statistics about driving drunk you absolutely need to know.   About 1 out of every 3 people will be involved in a drunk driving accident in their lifetime82% of ALL FATAL CRASHES are caused by drunk drivers21-25 year olds drive drunk the most, accounting for about 24% of all DUI offendersEvery single day in the U.S. 28 people are killed in drunk driving accidentsAmong accidents that killed a child (1-14 years...

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Georgia Ramps Up 2014 Spending to Catch Drunk Drivers

DUIs in Georgia Law
DUI arrest in Atlanta

Spending Up To Catch Drunk Drivers- The Georgia State Patrol is getting (even more) serious about drunk driving. 2014 is going to be a bad year from drunk drivers if the highway patrol has anything to say about it. Late last year, the highway patrol was awarded a long-saught grant by the Governer's Office of Highway Safety that's meant to put more officers on the road and increase field testing for DUI suspects. The aptly-named project is called H.E.A.T., or "Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic" and its overall goals are generally to reduce speeding, catch impaired drivers, and make the state's roads safer places to be. All in all, the GA Highway Patrol is going to receive nearly $2.5 million in additional funding to make it happen. So, what does this mean for you?  First and foremost, don't drink and drive! In the state of Georgia it's illegal to operate a...

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